Recipe: Tasty Creamy bean

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Creamy bean recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Creamy bean

Before you jump to Creamy bean recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your Overall Health Can Be Impacted By The Foods You Choose To Eat.

On the subject of the foods that you eat, you will notice that your overall health can be effected either positively or even negatively. One of the foods you ought to be avoiding is any kind of foods you get at a fast food place. You will recognize that the nutrition in these sorts of is non existent and the negative effects will be really bad. You will be happy to know that we are going to inform you of a few of the foods that you should be consuming every day.

One of the primary varieties of foods you ought to be eating plenty of, is various berries. You will discover that most berries have large amounts of Vitamin C that you must realize is good for your body. Most berries also have plenty of anti-oxidants, which is extremely beneficial to your overall health and is especially good for your circulatory system. Most men and women already know that cells begin to break down over time and the addition of antioxidants in your diet will help keep your cells healthier for longer periods of time.

By simply following a number of the suggestions above you will notice that you can be living a healthier life. Also if you eliminate all the refined food that you should not be eating anyway, you will probably find that you could end up living a longer life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to creamy bean recipe. To cook creamy bean you only need 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Creamy bean:

  1. Take of frozen green fava beans.
  2. You need of chopped lamb shanks.
  3. Prepare of hot water.
  4. Get of onions.
  5. You need of Spice.
  6. Provide of garlic.
  7. Get of yoghurt.
  8. Provide of Yolk.
  9. Provide of cornstarch.
  10. Provide of Salt.
  11. Prepare of peper.
  12. You need of turmeric.
  13. Provide of cumin.
  14. Use of meat broth.
  15. Prepare of oil.

Steps to make Creamy bean:

  1. Wash meat then over medium heat With 2 tablespoon oil cook the lamb then after 10 minutes add 6 cups hot water and onion roughly chopped and the spice bag and cook for hour.
  2. Using other pot add 2 tablespoon oil start with chopped onion garlic cook to soften add the beans cook for 10 minutes add 2 cups of lamb broth for 20 minutes over medium heat make sure the bean is soft at the end of 20 minutes add salt peper cumin turmeric and mix.
  3. Prepare the yoghurt sauce with yolk and cornstarch mix well and add slowly 2 cups of broth to it.
  4. Start adding just the meat to bean it supposed to have some broth in it the bean mixture then add the yoghurt mixture on top and cook for half hour I. That time I see if need more broth I will add on top make sure it’s hot when you add it serve with white rice on side enjoy.

If you find this Creamy bean recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.
